Emmanuel Baptist Church

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Emmanuel is a place you can call home.

We would love to have you visit us at Emmanuel Baptist Church this weekend. We know that life has a way of zooming past so fast that we sometimes miss out on really living. None of us need another “have-to” in our already crowded agenda. We think church should be a “want-to” that helps us make sense of all the other stuff.


Emmanuel Baptist Church is a "Church for all Peoples." At Emmanuel we are committed to reaching out to all peoples in Anderson county, equipping them for ministry, so that they can join us in reaching out to all peoples, too.

We sum it up with this truth: Our Purpose is People.

Thanks for visiting our website. If you're looking for a Church home, I hope you'll join us for worship

Remember who you are!

We warmly welcome you to Emmanuel. What began as a dream in our hearts to see a vibrant church demonstrating God's love to a community is becoming a reality. In contemplating all the things that have happened over the past five years, we clearly see God's hand and His amazing grace at work in our lives and in the life of this church.
         Now, as we look toward the future, we continue to build upon those things God has spoken so strongly to us. We have only one aim - to love God, love people and love life. We are purposefully building a church with a Biblical focus on worship, ministry, evangelism, fellowship and discipleship. We are a church family with a strong commitment to building healthy people and relationships, teaching and prayer. We are generous people who love to serve and worship God with our whole heart and life.
         This year we believe that God is reminding us to consistently stick to the pathway He has laid before us. Our Current Vision is effectively summed up in one simple phrase - “Community Transformation” and that focus remains at the very core of where we are headed as a church. Our scriptural basis for the strategy to achieve this vision comes from Zechariah.

“…This is what the Lord says 'I will return with mercy, and there My house will be rebuilt. And the measuring line will be stretched out…My towns will again overflow with prosperity'.”
Zechariah 1:16-17

Christ, at the center of all we do.

